
The good, the bad and drunk

Corey Harris was super!
He is from colorado, he is calm, he is power, his voice very very beautifull! He's got the blues! and the drums and bass UAU, SISTER OOOOOO!!!!
Very good! Very Very good!

Simetric Orchestra was also very good and exciting... until a big big bad drunk guy arrived!
He was singing and mumbelling at the same time, and he was making all the other musicians laugh and he ruin what could have been a beatifull night.
"es muito complicado" he kept saying, though a hole music! Porra!!!!!
But still we laugh....
The first part was good, very good. The second part was from the worst!

2 comentários:

anges disse...

és muito complicado? um bebado?

miss pimps disse...

completamente bêbado!! e com uns geitos estranhos. chato como tudo! não se ía embora, apesar de o terem ido chamar várias vezes. enfim, foi uma pena

e também foi pena não ter vindo o toumani, como anunciado, e nem terem dito nada às pessoas que estavam a assistir, muitas apenas para o ver. isso sim, foi OF THE WORST!!!