
Prince charming

Lately i've bee talking to some of my female friends, and this subject as been brought up!
Prince Charming.

"Some day my prince will come, someday i'll find my love" apart from the beggining of a jazz song, this is indeed a common thought in female heads.
Well, i have something to say to all you women out there!
Prince sharming exists in stories, men existe in real life. This was something that a friend of mine said to me once, and i truly agreed!
What i mean is, of course we can dream, but men in real life are much more challenging than that dream we have of a better guy, of a dream guy...
Of course i also believed in prince charming, and i had this dream of having 3 men from madagascar massaging me everyday when i got home!
But as time went by, i notice that... i can't make up a man...he exists! and either i love him, or i don't.
Do you get the picture?
You cannot expect the guy not to smell from his feet, or not to disappoint you, or not to have some shoes you dislike (and this one is dedicated to you vulcano), or to flatter you all the time... No sir...y! you cannot expect him to be perfect!
Ok, i know you already know this, and i know it is easy to say blá blá blá.
But please ladies don't desire prince charming, or worst don't wait for him, meet as many man as you can, cause it is difficult to find interesting ones!

Or... make a blog of women things, and just answer to male comments!
It really works!!!!
Blog of the worst as seen it in other blogs...

8 comentários:

Morgaine disse...

Is true that the prince charming only exists in our dreams. But, even that real men are more challenging, we still must dream about the perfect men...that's the only way of keeping our espectations high! 'cause...ladies...there are really rotten mens out there...keep your eyes wide open!
and my english suuuuuuuuuks!!!
why did you had to write in english??????

Sardinha Fresca disse...

hum.... este post eu tenho de subscrever, poque concordo plenamente amiga Martina!
só não entendi uma coisita ... virou moda escrever "in english"?

Martina Gamba Tanga Cardamomos disse...

eh eh eh
guess why my friend sardine!
guess why!...

miss pimps disse...

em inglês?? em inglês?? vamos internacionalizar o blog? wow! que moderno! ;P

wandering_dune disse...

I agree… and I don’t really.
thing is… what IS prince charming?

To me it is only a concept, not a real person, in shining armour, perched on a beautiful white stallion. It’s kind of a belief that one day I will love someone, with flaws and bad temper and smelly feet, but to ME? Well, to me it IS prince charming (or princess, who knows) because I love him(her) and, hopefully, he(she) will love me too. And the day I stop believing in this… it will be a sad day for me… for it will mean I’ve given up on finding love and have settled with whatever life has given me. And I for one don’t want to settle for whatever shows up, just because I'm not supposed to believe in prince(ss) charming.

get the picture? ;)

Anónimo disse...

what is prince charming?
-Prince Charles and Prince Andrew.
Uggly ones but princes, and the only charm that they have, is the money.

Martina Gamba Tanga Cardamomos disse...

Morgaine: yes! there are very bad machos out there, and yes we can dream of the perfect man, but... inside the real man. this means that real men can always be better, like women, in order to satisfy each other more.

Sardine: já te respondi, ih ih.

Miss pimps:Ah pois é! oh yes yo!
Always pumping blog of the worst!

Dune: Prince charming, as a simbol is more realistic to me! A belief is a belief, we can call it whatever! and your price(ss) charming concept is very beatifull, never stop believing! Never settledown! pussipower forever!

Angelina: my friend of the worst kind! Those are the princes of the real worl... And no, they are not charming at all. Poor lady Dy thought she was marriing her prince charming and the guy, well... he was just a camillo!
I wouldnt mind to have their money, tough!

Anónimo disse...

E conseguem imaginar a reversão dos papéis?
E se os homens tb sonhassem na princesa "charming"?
Na alma gémea, na cara metade, na Mulher que os respeite sendo ela mesma e exgindo o mesmo respeito que dá....porque colegas, convenhamos, já chega da lamúria constante a que nos sujeitamos durante as queixas, os queixumes colectivos entre colegas, as análises do comportamento dele (mas nunca do nosso.), do choro ao final de qq filme romântico em que gostávamos q o nosso homem tb fizesse aquilo que o do filme fez, ou que deixássemos de contar ás nossas filhas (e filhos tb) as histórias de beleza e muito amor e finais felizes q embelezam os nosso dias de forma a que eles acreditem sim, mas tb acreditem na realidade do dia a dia e nos pequenos gestos q muitas das vezes são maiores do que grandes investidas de armadura reluzente em dragões inexistentes que acabam rapidamente...... mas a vida é mais comprida do q a história q ouvimos, vimos ou lemos, e nem tudo tem um final feliz; mas se nós queremos a felicidade devemos lutar por ela e perceber tb q as adversidades podem ser tb novas fronteiras a ultrapassar.
À luta colegas, à luta.