
for (4) Mosquitos

Last night i was falling a sleep when a mosquito came. I opened my eyes, i turned on the light and started looking for him, nervously!... After some minutes of trying to adapt to the light and looking for him, i found him in the middle of my white wall- PUMCH!! no more white wall.
I turn off the lights, grabbed my teddy bear, and went back to sleep. I was thinking a million things before falling a sleep, its a usual thing when i'm not that sleppy, and in between those thoughts i heard what seamed to be a little zz, and in between my almost dreams, i heard again zzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Shit! trow my teddy bear away, turn the lights on, AH! so bright!...i wait, i wait... to see better, i wait..." where are you S.O.A.B., you M.F.!" Ah Ha, here- PLOQ!!
Hum... better... I grab my pelux dolphin, i turn off the lights, close my eyes, and smilling i start to have again all toughts around me, mixing them selves into almost dreams, people, happenings, colours, faces, non sense things...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Lights, eyes open, where?look everiwhere, but where? OH! so i see, mosquito's want to party in my bedroom, in my body in my face...SPLUNK!! kill! dead!
Turn off ligts, eyes open, try to close, try to sleep, but i only think about bug now ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Open light PAW! blood on the wall. I stand in bed calling more mosquitos, but they dont come..."who's next"- i say. Quiet all around, i breathe very quickly, then slower, then slower... I lay down, i grab my supa teddy fly, i turn off the lights, and i sleep without further thougts.
Next morning i woke up full of bytes.

This story was experienced by me last night, and sorry if the english has mistakes, but miss pimps hasn't rectify it, yet! :)

6 comentários:

anges disse...

mosquitos?In this time of the year?

Martina Gamba Tanga Cardamomos disse...

opá, but bués, my god, bués!
those moda focas! men!

miss pimps disse...

Mosquitoes really are annoying, but... i can’t avoid finding this post in total contradiction with the one you made before, the one about happy animals


Well, after all, mosquitoes are animals too and they deserve to live, don’t you agree??

desculpa lá, mas tu é que pediste!! Disseste logo que eu ía criticar… como é o esperado de mim, olha, cá vai. Agora queixa-te, vá, anda… :P queixaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-teeeeeeeeeeee!!!
(quanto ao inglês... can't be bothered! a gente percebe na mesma, hehe)

Martina Gamba Tanga Cardamomos disse...

Miss Pimps!

I will not, i refuse to be sucked by mosquitoes,animals of blood!
I love animals, i want them to have better rights, but mosquitoes! NEVER MOSQUITOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont defend them because they are not in danger! they are moda fukers!
Mosquitoes are scum, but if they became indangered, instead of killing them i will put them out by the window.
Above all, i am a nature lover.

miss pimps disse...

that's all a bunch of crap!! you don't stand for the rights of mosquitoes because you don't find them cute, that's all!! and because they annoy you

dogs are not endangered either... or house cats! sooooo, why stand up for them?? huh?
I’m allergic to cats, they make me sick, what would you think if I went around killing cute furry kittens? You would call me HEARTLESS MURDERER!!!
just face it, all animals are equal, but some are more equal then others! (just read George Orwell’s Animal Farm to see what I’m talking about)

(atenção, não me interpretem mal… eu também mato mosquitos… e centopeias e baratas e formigas e etc e tal. E não mato gatos, embora me apeteça por vezes. Isto trata-se apenas de uma discussão meramente filosófica sobre o que nos leva a defender umas coisas e não outras… no fundo, porque achamos que somos todos iguais mas agimos como se uns fossem mais iguais que outros… bollocks really!)

Martina Gamba Tanga Cardamomos disse...

i've read Animal Farm!

Animal are not all equal!
Some are more precious and rare than others. Has to do with life cicle, has to do with survival rate...
OK dogs and cats are not endangered, but they are in the streets and they are people dependent, that's why i was claming their rights.

Miss Kiten, sorry, Miss Pimps is a heartless murderer, i've seen her in her adónis car running over cats!

(any resemblese to reality is pure coincidence, what i mean is, tou a brincar! hehe)